Gluten-free breakfasts Egg-free Breakfasts Meat-free vegetarian breakfasts Dairy-free Casein free breakfasts Raw breakfasts Nut-free no peanuts breakfasts Nut-free no peanuts breakfasts

Monday, April 20, 2009

Green Eggs, No Ham.

I like green eggs and ham!
I do! I like them, Sam-I-am!
And I would eat them in a boat.
And I would eat them with a goat...

And I will eat them in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.
And in a car. And in a tree.
They are so good, so good, you see!

Sadly I have no pig or ham,
no bacon or tofurky spam

But i do love green eggs, (no ham)
I do! I like them, Sam-I-am!

swiss chard
salt or dulse

Pulverize chard through a food processor until it is finely chopped, or chop it fine, until the pieces are smaller than the size of a 1/4 of a penny.

Crack open the eggs in a bowl, add the greens, and use a fork to incorporate them into the eggs, until it's a fine green mess. Add dulse.

Pour into a hot pan, cover and cook on low to medium heat.

Garnish with salsa if you like.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Breakfast Makeover: Celebrating Passover with Amazing Breakfasts (Part 3 of 3)

It's getting close to the end of Passover. Tired of matza? How about creating a bread substitute that doesn't taste like matzah but doesn't have any leavening?

Raw cracker sandwich with kale and avocado

1 cup Flax seeds
1/2 cup Almonds
1/2 cup Sunflower seeds
1/4 Walnuts
2 tbsp coconut butter
1 carrot
1/4 red pepper
1 tablespoon curry powder

Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Spread on a dehydrator tray and dehydrate overnight or 8-10 hours.

Sandwich filling:

Add the filling in between 2 flax cracker breads to your taste and pleasure. Munch. Enjoy!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Breakfast Makeover: Celebrating Passover with Amazing Breakfasts (Part 2 of 3)

It's day 5 or day 6 of Passover. Alas, even you lost count on this early rainy morning. You've stumbled into the kitchen in a morning daze looking for anything healthy and quick to grab -- and all you find are matzo crumbs and some wilted dill. The situation is dire. Thoughts of bagels and lox dance in your head as your rummage in the fridge.

No worries. Breakfast Lab is here to help. Grab a tomato, that wilted dill, a can of sardines or another kosher fish, and prepare to create a masterpiece. It's not exactly bagels or lox, but it's still very very good.

Stuffed tomato
Satisfying tomato wholesomeness holding a good protein source to give you energy and brain fuel for the entire morning. Great thing about stuffing things is that you can create your own unique stuffing and each time it will taste a little different.

What you need:
5 minutes
a spoon, a fork and a knife
1-2 tomatoes
1/2 cup chopped dill
1 can sardines or another fish
a few leaves of basil

Chop dill and basil. Mash fish into the chopped greens.

Cut the top off the tomato and cut out the insides. Stuff the fish mixture inside. Bite in and savor the deliciousness.


Monday, April 06, 2009

Breakfast Makeover: Celebrating Passover with Amazing Breakfasts (Part 1 of 3)

I recently received this letter from Karen, who graciously agreed to get a Breakfast Makeover.

I have been on a quest to eat healthier. I just discovered some breakfasts that do keep me full until I am ready for lunch. I dont know if I really paid that kind of attention to my morning appetite. Since Passover is approaching my choices for eating a healthy & fulling breakfast will be significantly diminished.

I wont eat eggs or beans and I am moving away from eating dairy. I am not a particularly "big" meat eater. I will consider tuna as breakfast.

I wont be able to eat any grains (other than store bought matzoh. Will you or have you already written about what you would do during Passover?

Dear Karen, here is my first choice for a Passover breakfast. It makes me sing anytime I create it. Try to make it and see how you feel!

Purple Breakfast Shake

This is a delicious and energizing way to start any day, but especially so on Passover. Eating all that white flour matzoh, you need to keep your blood sugar levels even and this is just the thing.

The flax seeds add the brain boosting omega-3, blueberries provide antioxidants, kale is rich in cancer-protective substances and the almond butter on top serves as a great bonus Rorschach test. Try to figure out what I drew!

What you will need:
10 minutes (5 to prepare, 5 to eat, 5 to wash the blender)
food processor or blender
1 cup kale (I used my favorite purple/red kale)
1 cup blueberries (frozen or fresh)
2-3 tablespoons of flax seeds
1/2 cup or more, almond milk (add as much as you need - less for thick, more for more watery shakes)
2 tbsp of almond butter

Process blueberries, flax, kale, 1 tbsp almond butter and milk in the food processor. Pour out into a cup and sprinkle the rest of almond butter on top. Savor slowly. It's so good.

More amazing Passover breakfasts to come tomorrow!

Do you have any suggestions for Karen in the meantime? Please post in the comments below.

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