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Friday, March 14, 2008

Go Green for Spring

Food - the great big healer. Swinging in the breeze, waiting, calling me with its big red delicious berries, satisfying roots and crunchy stalks. I can't get enough. And this spring, instead of munching on french toast or a dry bagel with a dab of artery-clogging margarine, I resolve to eat green, chlorophyll-rich plants.

Chlorophyll has an ability to enrich the blood and treat anemia, to stop bacterial growth in wounds, and yeasts and fungi in the digestive tract, to counteract a whole lot of inflammation, to promote intestinal flora, improve liver function and activate enzymes. The blood of plant life, it is calming, cooling and brings peace.

To rejuvenate after wild winter meat pig-outs, my plan is to incorporate some green into breakfast:

(1) Steam/boil some greens and eat with rice.
(2) Add a green drink: Look! Even Oprah is doing it.
(3) Squash a whole lot of lettuce in a sandwich.
(4) Broccoli omelet, anyone?
(5) Herbs are green. Devour the garnish.
(6) Algae -- it's not for fish anymore.

For more tips and actual recipes, stay tuned to this blog during March. I will be recording my green experiments.

Image by sa_ku_ra used under the Creative Commons license


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