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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Breakfast Tea for Balancing Blood Sugar

Recipe courtesy of Rossana from our No Sugar Cooking Lesson and Breakfast in Honor of Diabetic Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor. This infusion is made from blueberry leaves and cinnamon. Add a touch of blueberries, and you have blood-sugar-balancing beverage that will send you to tastebud heaven.

Recipe for 1 quart of infusion

1/3 cup fresh blueberry leaves
1 cinnamon stick

Add ingredients to a quart-size glass jar. (Reused pasta sauce or pickle
jars work beautifully. Make sure they don't smell like it though.) Add
boiling water to the very top, and cover. The leaves and the cinnamon
bark will soak up that water as it's fibers open, so you'll need to "top
off" the jar with water in about 15 minutes. Wait until the mixture
cools - overnight is best - so that the cinnamon and blueberry leaves
impart their full medicinal value to the water. Reheat (but don't boil!
it changes the flavor) or enjoy with chilled blueberries. Yummy
sugar-balancing goodness! It's the best tasting medicine you'll ever drink.


smilinggreenmom February 16, 2010 at 7:12 PM  

Thanks for the recipe! I found your blog through a food allergy blog list bc our son has food allergies to peanuts, sunflower, melon, dairy and egg. It has been a long hard road since he was born in trying to figure out the triggers of his severe Eczema. Fortunately now that he takes his Belly Boost kids probiotics, he can eat tons more foods without flaring. Our family has learned to really appreciate natural whole foods and living heathy and chemical free. I have a mom blog at if you ever want to visit! :)

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